
Thursday, June 16, 2011

2 new Cotton prints and a cotton Velour cP

Quite a long title, isn’t it Open-mouthed smile . Recently, I had a chance to sew a postpartum CP for my boss. Made of Cotton Velour as the inner layer with the overnight pattern, 13” long. I just got 2 colors of cotton velour if you all like to try one. Hunter Red and Ostrich Green.

160511 Cotton Velourovernight


Cotton Velour:

hunter redostrich green

                         Hunter Red                                                                    Ostrich Green


Cotton Prints:

The new cotton prints had been added. this time I pick Japanese Cotton:

Cotton 19Cotton 20

                         Cotton 19                                                                        Cotton 20

cotton 21 (IM)

                      Cotton 21


